Venturing into The Last Frontier, the Class of 2021, embarked on a grand Alaskan adventure as part of their Senior Service Trip. The students and chaperones spent the week of March 6-13, 2021, experiencing the magnificent beauty of the Alaskan landscape, interacting with locals, serving in various ministries, partnering with a local church, and creating lifelong memories. For some in our group, it was the first time they had seen snow fall. We were able to go on hikes, play broomball, go sledding, and walk across a frozen pond. We also helped several ministries to those in need by packing up food boxes. Our team was able to pack over 2300 boxes, which means that families would receive 9200 meals. Some of the team got to experience The YAK, which is a youth drop-in center. Local youth will stop by the center after school to hang out, play games, and build relationships with the volunteer staff. Our team had the opportunity to play games with the youth that stop by as well as help by cleaning the center. Though the travel was long, it was quite a memorable experience to make it the far reaches of the US.
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